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Learn to Ride

Mrs Lisa Life

Nuha Rahman 1SS

The Ragged School

During September some very resilient Prep children have

conquered fears and difficulties and have mastered how to

ride a bike.

The courses were spread over a weekend and the children

cycled in small groups with some very focussed teaching.The

instructors from Cycle Confident were kind and patient and

certainly wove some magic. In addition to learning this valuable

life skill, these 32 children had a lot of fun and took great pride in

their achievements. We hope to be able to offer this Learn 2 Ride

opportunity again alongside our Bikeability 1 and 2 courses for

more confident cyclists which will happen in the spring.

On Friday 20 September, the Prep 1s visited the Ragged School

in Mile End. It was founded by Dr Barnardo. Some parents came

along with Mrs Strong, Mrs Yelverton and Mr Bleasdale.

Our first activity was in a Victorian kitchen! It looked completely

different to our kitchens nowadays. It had quite strange looking

items and they used fire as a microwave because they didn’t

have any electricity. Also, if someone couldn’t afford a house,

they would live in their kitchen.They would have slept on the

floor and they did not have a toilet so they had to do their

business in a little pot! It was a bit disgusting but that was the

Victorian life. A kind lady called Katie explained about the

kitchen and split us into four groups. In the groups she gave us

items and we had to investigate and find out what they were.

When we found out what they were, I was so surprised!

The second activity was great fun, but


went into a

Victorian classroom. Once we entered the room, we could not

smile or say a single


sat down very quietly, trying not

to laugh.There was a teacher called Miss Perkins. She was super

strict and she shouted at everyone, even if they fiddled or even

whispered! She always had an angry face.There were monitors

and I was one of them.They handed out slates, pencil and a

piece of cloth to rub out our


wrote the alphabet

in a very unusual font called Copperplate. It was very curly! It

was quite hard to copy the writing but we got the hang of it.

After this, we learnt the value of money.There were farthings,

pennies and shillings.Then we had to repeat some proverbs.

Last but not least, we learnt about phases of the moon.

When the lesson ended, the teacher told us her real name

was Sally. Everyone noticed her bottom was a bit big but it

actually wasn’t. She was wearing a bustle which was

fashionable in Victorian times.

The trip overall was phenomenal! It was so amazing to

experience the life of a Victorian


are so lucky now

that we have kind teachers who don’t hit us! An interesting

fact I learnt was that if you fiddled, the teacher would tie

your hands behind

your back. Also, if you

were a bit stupid and

not smart at all, you

would sit at the front

with a ‘dunce’s hat’! My

highlight was when we

went in the classroom

because I liked writing

on the slate in the

unusual font.