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C O - C U R R I C U L A R A N D S O C I E T I E S

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CSM Anissa Patel, Head of Army Section, OB

Once the remainder of the troops arrived the following day and

the stores had been arranged in an orderly fashion, we were all

ready to begin training. On the first few days we headed to the

training area on camp to set up various stations of room and

urban clearance drills, first aid, section attacks and obstacle course

practice.This programme was slightly different to previous years

due to the access to the urban patrolling and clearance facilities

on camp, yet the cadets were still able to fire blank rounds and

practice essential infantry skills. Special thanks to Captain Pollard

and my fellow U6th whose legendary banana selling set the

atmosphere of a village market in the urban patrolling activity!

Bewl Water, our only “non-green” day when cadets are permitted

to wear civilian clothes, involved a day of fun activities such as

kayaking, laser tag, team building, mountain biking and trying

out the new Aquapark.This day always acts as a great bonding

experience between cadets across the five year groups and is a

well-deserved break from the intense training week.

To round things off, the cadets competed in the traditional Dan

Clack Trophy with eight different stands led by staff and the U6th

NCOs.This always proves to be a difficult but rewarding day

with high levels of competitive spirit between the L6th section

commanders.This year the new RSM Madhav Narayanan led his

section to victory with an excellent performance.

All in all, this year’s camp was very successful and I would like to

thank all the staff for their hard work throughout the year to make

weekly training and trips away run as smoothly as possible.

Army Camp 2019

This year after a few complications and

superb organisation from Mr Pascal

and Mr Hitching we managed to land

ourselves a spot at Lydd Camp in Kent.

This was a new camp for the staff and

pupils, so it was exciting to see what it

had to offer, although the early arrival of

the U6th NCOs along with Mr Hitching

and Mr Pascal caused unrest in the camp

by setting off the Armoury alarm for

twenty minutes while unpacking!