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The Prep’s

Well-Being Week

Outward Bound in

the Lake District

On 16 September, the Prep 2s went on the Outward Bound trip

to the Lake District National Park. I must admit it really pushed

me to my limits, but it was a trip I will never forget.

The journey was tedious, but when we arrived it was very exciting

and the view was a sight for sore eyes.The activities ranged from

hiking up a waterfall, to a blindfolded obstacle course at night. I

have to say my favourite activity was the ‘jog and dip’ into the lake.

This is where we plunged into Ullswater for five minutes.Trust

me the water was freezing, but we got used to it. I tried jumping

in once without getting my whole body wet, it actually wasn’t so

bad, so I went for it four more times! Another activity was the

expedition, when our group, Bonington, tied two canoes together

to prevent capsizing, and canoed right across the lake to the

campsite. It was lucky that we actually had toilets! We had rationed

meals in packets which weren’t so bad and we put up our own

tents, which did take some time but we got there eventually! There

were lots of other activities consisting of rock climbing, tunnelling

and team building exercises.

This Outward Bound adventure pushed us to our limits and did

help us face our fears, and my fear of tight spaces.This trip will

help us through hard times in life, no matter what they are. It was,

indeed, one to remember.

Origami, which is the latest mindfulness craze, took place in

the Library with Miss Houghton.This involves an element of

concentration and takes your mind off everyday problems.

Simple shapes are very satisfying to do and you ultimately

have something to cherish at the end.

Meanwhile, in Mindfulness Club, which meets every

Thursday at 8am, children practised Mindful Eating.

Pupils engaged their senses by noticing colours, smells,

sounds, texture, and flavours of Skittles and made them last;

appreciating their treat.The menu on offer at lunchtime had

well-being at the heart of it with many healthy dishes full

of delicious fruits and vegetables.

Many took to doing the Morning Mile at the beginning of

the school day or joining in MartinYelverton’s yoga

sessions at the end.

We were treated to a performance of Taizé by the

Senior School’s Chapel Choir.This is a calming set of

songs which include community prayer and periods

of silence in between the singing and allows time for

personal reflection. Everyone learnt how trying

relaxation techniques, doing

things we enjoy or learning

something new can all lead

to a healthy mind and body.

Mrs Sarah Strong

Emma Diebel, 2TP

We held aWell-Being

Week this half-term.

It provided the

opportunity for both

staff and pupils to gain

an overall awareness for

the various aspects of

well-being, including

social, physical, emotional

and environmental.