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C O - C U R R I C U L A R

Virtual Scouting

The summer term for the Sea Scouts would normally be

spent on the water, this year the scouts still faced a full and

challenging programme on dry land.The Sea Scout leaders

seem to be particularly unfazed by the need to adapt to virtual

Thursday night meetings.The imagination and innovation shown

by the leaders is a fantastic example of what can be done

under lockdown. Each week they set the Scouts a series of

different challenges and tasks: re-enact a scene from a favourite

film; draw a seagull using a pen between your toes; create a 3D

model of one of the scout leaders; turn your bathroom into a

venue for a night or day out; recreate a famous painting.

The Hogwarts Escape Room challenge proved a great activity

and it was certainly the most stressful behind the scenes with

ten adult leaders managing 61 children. The Scouts were joined

by the Cubs– their first online scouting session. A few parents

joined in too.This proved a truly collaborative activity. All of the

10 teams ‘escaped’ and completed the set of riddles and puzzles

in just over an hour.

The Scouts also had a virtual camp at the end of half term

starting just before 7 on Friday night and closing at 8 the

following morning. About 50 Cubs and Scouts attended,

covering six different year groups from the Prep and Senior

Schools. Up until midnight they organised a number of different

collaborative challenges every hour: making pizzas from scratch

- dough, toppings, baking; two online quizzes; preparing deserts;

a scavenger hunt. Tradition wasn’t lost as there were campfire

jokes, stories and the Scouts and Cubs sang camp fire songs

together with everyone on audio and video (they won’t win

any acoustic awards but it was great to see the cubs and scouts

dancing away in their own dens).There were two online games

rooms and various breakout rooms for the Cubs and Scouts to

hang out together. Everyone, including the leaders, built dens in

bedrooms, living rooms and gardens.

At 7am on Saturday John Hasslegren, now 82 an OB and ex-

Bancroft’s scout, woke everyone with the traditional bugle call for

‘all hands’. Mathew Balchin Scout Section Leader said, “We had a

number of parents and some younger brothers and sisters online

together and in some houses we had both a Cub and a Scout

join together or on their own devices. Apparently they want to

do it all again.”