Dragons’ Den Entrepreneurs Inspire

This week, Bancroft’s was abuzz with excitement as pupils had the privilege of attending an entrepreneurial talk by Natalie Duvall and Alison Burton, the innovative minds behind March Muses

The duo certainly held our attention with their compelling story of how they identified and tackled a significant gap in the market—diverse Christmas decorations. Their journey began when Natalie’s daughter asked, “Can fairies be Black?” This question sparked a movement to create festive decorations that celebrate and reflect diversity.

March Muses aims to make everyone feel seen and included, especially during festive seasons. Natalie and Alison shared the challenges and triumphs they faced while launching their product line, emphasising the importance of representation in all aspects of life.

Adding to their success, Natalie and Alison appeared on the popular television show “Dragons’ Den,” where they impressed the Dragons and secured funding to expand their business.

This talk not only highlighted the significance of diversity but also encouraged pupils to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams with resilience and purpose. The impact of Natalie and Alison’s work extends beyond their business, promoting a broader cultural shift towards inclusivity.

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