Senior School Awards

Bancroft's prizes scholarship and learning highly but it is our policy only to give fee-remission for pupils who otherwise would not be able to attend the school; all Assisted Places (Bursaries) at Bancroft’s are means tested. Academic and other achievement is recognised and celebrated by our prestigious Drapers’ Awards.

11+ and 16+ Entry Awards

Drapers' Music Award
Drapers' Academic Awards

Receiving a Music Award gave me the confidence to see my strength as a musician and provided opportunities to perform as a soloist in the most incredible venues.

L6th Music Award Holder

Other Drapers’ Awards

Once pupils join the school there are opportunities each year to achieve an additional variety of awards in creative subjects, Drama, Sport, for contributions to the school community as well as for the other key subject areas; these awards are given annually. We aim to recognise excellence and contribution in all areas of school life and for embodying and contributing to our school values; we try to ensure that all our pupils are given opportunities to win recognition for their contributions and achievements during their time in the school.

Awards will be based on the performance and commitment shown in the relevant area during each school year. As with other awards (but with the exception of Music), Sport, Art, Computing and DT, Drama and Community Awards are given every year and can be re-awarded.

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